Approximately 19 percent of Ontario's total greenhouse gas emissions are produced by large buildings.
In an effort to decrease energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, I am encouraging all businesses and large buildings (over 50,000 sq. ft.) in Newmarket to sign-up and record their 2019 energy consumption rates through the Province of Ontario's Mandatory Energy & Water Reporting and Benchmarking (EWRB) program. EWRB is designed to help building owners and managers make decisions on how to improve their building's energy efficiency.
At the same time, I am encouraging all Mayors in York Region to do the same and participate in this friendly Mayor's Energy Challenge in partnership with ClimateWise for large buildings in their municipality.
Recording your energy consumption rates through the mandatory EWRB program will help you:
- Save money by tracking usage
- Identify energy and water efficiency opportunities
- Compare your energy and water usage to similar buildings
- Set a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
A study by the Environmental Protection Agency demonstrates that by just benchmarking your building (no deep retrofits), you can achieve energy savings of approximately 2.4% a year, with a cumulative total of 7%. This would generate an annual savings of $600 to $1750 on a $25,000 electricity and gas bill.
My goal is to reach 100 percent compliance in Newmarket. Please participate in this challenge and do your part for the environment. Data collected will also be used to advance York Region communities in energy planning and economic development programs that aim to decrease energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
Under the Reporting of Energy Consumption and Water Use regulation, large building owners need to report their building's energy and water use once a year to the Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines (ENDM) by July 1, 2020. For the 2020 reporting year, the Government of Ontario will accept the submission of data to the EWRB initiative until October 1, 2020.
Step-by-step instructions on how you can participate are noted below:
Who needs to report their energy consumption?The Ontario Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmarking (EWRB) program require that owners of large commercial, industrial, multi-unit residential, and other prescribed types to report their building's energy and water consumption data to the Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines (ENDM). It allows building owners to benchmark their building's energy and water consumption usage against industry trends, identify energy and water efficiency opportunities, and save money by tracking usage.
Participants in the program are owners or managers of commercial, industrial and multi-unit residential buildings over 50,000 sq. You can find more information on who needs to report and how to report at
What do you need to report? Ontario's Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmarking (EWRB) program is designed to help building owners and managers make decisions on how to improve their building's efficiency. Buildings that benchmark their energy and water usage could see an annual reduction of 2.4% a year, with a cumulative total of 7%. This is equivalent to savings of $600 to $1750 annually.
Participants in the program are owners or managers of commercial, industrial and multi-unit residential buildings over 50,000 sq. ft.
Under the Reporting of Energy Consumption and Water Use regulation, large building owners need to report their building's energy and water use once a year to the Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines (ENDM) by July 1st. What do you need to report?
To report your building's water and energy usage, you will need to provide:
- Your building information. This will produce accurate energy and water usage data.
- Your EWRB ID. This is a unique six-digit number assigned to your property by ENDM. If you are reporting multiple buildings on a property individually, they will need their own EWRB ID.
- Your usage data. You need to report the usage data for all forms of energy that your building uses (for example, electricity, natural gas, diesel, fuel oil) and water for the reporting year (January 1 to December 31).
You can access your usage data by calling NT Power at 905-895-2309 or logging into your online NT Power account.
Learn more about what information you need in order to report your energy consumption.
Ontario Benchmarking Help Centre

For additional information or help on reporting, visit or call 289-648-4107.