The Town of Newmarket's parking enforcement team is responsible for enforcing parking standards on public road allowances and, as requested, on private property. Enforcement of
parking regulations supports improved road safety, traffic flow, accessibility, and assists the town in managing its road infrastructure for street cleaning, refuse removal and snow clearing.
Any vehicles found in violation of the Consolidated Parking By-law 2019-63 may be issued a ticket and /or towed at the owner's expense. See Parking fines for a full list of penalties. Note, additional fees will apply for late payment.

Parking Complaint Process
If you have a parking complaint, you may register your complaint by contacting the Customer Service department at 905-895-5193, or file a complaint in person at the
Municipal Offices . If your parking complaint is after hours, please leave a message and a customer service associate will process your request.
The Town keeps the identity of every complainant confidential unless the complainant has agreed to be identified.
Please remember you must provide the following information when filing a complaint:
- Complainant name, address and telephone number
- Complaint location (address)
- A satisfactory explanation of the complaint and details that would assist
Parking complaints will be investigated as soon as possible.