Commissioner of Oaths services are offered through the Town's
Customer Services Department; this includes affidavits, oaths, statutory declarations and foreign pension documents (Newmarket residents only). Note that Commissioner of Oath services are subject to a fee, with the exception of commissioning of foreign pension documents.
Commissioner of Oath Services are provided at the Municipal Offices (395 Mulock Drive) as follows:
Monday - Thursday, 9:00 - 11:30 am and 2:30 - 4:00 pm (unavailable 11:30 - 2:30 pm)
Friday 9:00 - 11:30 am
- Residents - $26.32
- Non-Residents - $28.95
Town Commissioners
will not sign any of the following:
- Estate, Will or Power of Attorney documents
- Real Estate documents
- Documents that are leaving Ontario or Canada
- Consent letters for children travelling abroad
- Letter of Invitation for visitors to Canada
- Any court related documents
Since the services vary, it is recommended that you contact the Town 905-895-5193 or [email protected] in advance of your visit to confirm that your document can be commissioned by a Town Commissioner.
The Town does not provide Notary Public services. A list of Notary Publics and lawyers who notarize documents can be found in your local phone directory.
Once you are certain the Town can commission your document, you must visit the Customer Services Department in person. Note that these services are only available at 395 Mulock Drive. The request for the Commissioner of Oaths service must be made by the same individual who will be taking the oath and signing the document. You must present one original piece of photo identification (no copies permitted) in the form of government-issued photo identification: i.e. a valid driver's license, a valid passport, which includes your address.
All documents to be commissioned must be signed in the presence of the Commissioner of Oaths.