Thank you to everyone who participated in Community Cleanup presented by TD! Check out our 2024 video below.
This year's 47th annual Community Cleanup will launch on Saturday, May 3, 2025.
Be sure to stop by the Town of Newmarket booth during the Newmarket Farmers Market on Saturday, May 3rd, between 8am and 1pm, to pick up your free Cleanup Kit.
After May 3rd cleanup kits will be available for pick up at the Customer Service kiosks at Magna Centre, Ray Twinney Complex and the Municipal Offices (while quantities last) to continue the effort after the event.
How to Participate:
1. Join our Community Cleanup event on Saturday, May 3rd from 8am to 1pm and pick up a free Cleanup Kit from the Town of Newmarket booth at the Newmarket Farmers Market - Riverwalk Commons, all white quantities last.
2. Each Community Cleanup Kit is designed for one person and contains the following:
- One (1) reusable water bottle sponsored by TD Bank
- One (1) pair of nitrile or vinyl gloves
- One (1) black garbage bag
- One (1) clear recycling bag
- One (1) LEAF program pamphlet
- One (1) instructions and safety tips
3. Let us know where you cleaned and left your garbage bags by completing the Post-Cleanup Survey for a chance to WIN one (1) of three (3) $100 Gift Cards from New Roots Garden Centre. (The post-cleanup survey link will be available as of Saturday, May 3, 2025.)
Additional Notes:
- To ensure as many can participate as possible, one Community Cleanup Kit will be provided per group.
- Additional cleaning supplies (gloves and bags) can be added up to a maximum of 5 people (while quantities last).
- Large groups of over 10 people should contact the event organizer at [email protected] to arrange for a separate pickup.
- Choose a public park, greenspace or trail in Newmarket to clean (some target locations are listed below).
- Protect yourself! Please follow the safety tips on the information sheet in your cleanup kit.
- Place garbage in the black bags and recycling in the clear bags.
- When you are finished, leave your garbage bags, recycling bags, and large items by the permanent garbage receptacles in that park.
- If there are no permanent receptacles, please place bags by a numbered light post of the greenspace or trail and notify the event organizer so that it can be picked up by Town staff after the cleanup.
- Share your Cleanup Photos & Video to Social Media @TownofNewmarket #iCleanedUp
Share your Cleanup Photos & Video
- We would love to see your before and after cleanup photos and videos so be sure to share with us your cleanup by tagging @TownOfNewmarket and use the hashtag #iCleanedUp
Safety Tips and Things to Remember:
Protect yourself! Please follow the safety tips on the information sheet in your cleanup kit.
You can clean at whatever time you choose so be sure to use your discretion when choosing a day, time and location to ensure your safety. Please do not go outside to clean in inclement weather such as thunder/lighting, high winds etc.
Please stay off private property.
Please avoid potential dangers such as railway tracks, rivers, river banks and road ways.
Please ensure to wear vinyl or nitrile gloves while picking up waste.
Please do not pick up dangerous objects such as broken glass, needles, sharp objects or dead animals. If you come across any of these items please leave them where you found them and include their location in the Post-Cleanup Survey so they can be disposed of safely.
If an item is too large to move to the garbage can, please leave it where it is and include it's location in the Post-Cleanup Survey.
All children participating under the age of 12 should be supervised by an adult.
Target Cleanup Locations:
- Best Family Parkette (Best Circle) (Ward 1)
- Frank Stronach Park (Memorial Circle) (Ward 1)
- Rene Bray Park (1030 Ivsbridge Boulevard) (Ward 1)
- Carberry Street (Ward 1)
- Arnhem Park (595 Mulock Court) (Ward 2)
- College Manor Park (705 College Manor Drive) (Ward 2)
- George Richardson Park (Bayview Parkway) (Ward 3)
- Charles Van Zant Open Space (205 Waratah Avenue) (Ward 3)
- Proctor Park (277 Primrose Lane) (Ward 4)
- Marilyn Powell Park (435 London Road) (Ward 4)
- M.H. Stiles Park (355 Main Street) (Ward 4)
- Deviation Road & Nokiidaa Bike Trail (Ward 4)
- Rogers Park - (170 London Road - behind the Canadian Martyrs Catholic School) (Ward 4)
- Old Town Hall (460 Botsford Street) (Ward 5)
- Newmarket Public Library (438 Park Ave) (Ward 5)
- Fairy Lake Park (520 Water Street) (Ward 5)
- Haskett Park (145 Millard Avenue) (Ward 5)
- Lions Park (424 D'Arcy Street) (Ward 5)
- South end of Tom Taylor Trail, near Foxtail Ridge (Ward 6)
- Whipper Billy Watson Park (475 Clearmeadow Boulevard) (Ward 6)
- Keffer Parkette (110 Keffer Circle) (Ward 6)
- Armstrong Park (860 Joe Persechini Drive) (Ward 6)
- Paul Semple Park (145 Savage Road) (Ward 6)
- Sawmill Valley Drive & Trails (Ward 6)
- Environmental Park (Woodspring Avenue) (Ward 7)
- Bonshaw Avenue Park (130 Bonshaw Avenue) (Ward 7)
- Woodland Hills Labyrinth Park (45 Ford Wilson Boulevard) (Ward 7)
- Dave Kerwin Trail (Woodspring Avenue) (Ward 7)
- Aspenwood Drive (between Wainscot Ave. and Flagstone Way) (Ward 7)
Volunteer Hours
- High school students can earn up to three (3) volunteer hours for participating in a cleanup.
- To earn up to three (3) volunteer hours for participating in a cleanup, volunteers are asked to cleanup at a time, date and location of their choosing.
- If you are participating in a cleanup on Saturday, May 3, you can get your high school form signed that day by a Town of Newmarket staff at the Town of Newmarket booth at the Newmarket Farmers Market.
- Volunteer forms can also be dropped off at the Municipal Offices (395 Mulock Drive) to the attention of the Special Event Leads (please ensure your name and school information has been completed before dropping it off).
Presented by:

Photo & Video Release
Media and Town of Newmarket staff will be taking photos and video footage at Town of Newmarket Special Events. These images may be used, re-used and published in news stories, social media and on websites, in addition to distributed to our event partners.
Support Newmarket's green initiatives by walking, carpooling or taking the bus.
For up-to-date weather and/or cancellation details of Town-run outdoor events call 1-877-PLAY936 on the date of the event, 2 hours prior to the start time. For more information please contact 905-895-5193 or [email protected].