Financial Policies


​​​​​Financial Policies Index
​Corporate Debt​
​FIN.1-01Corporate Financing Lease
Deferral of Payment of Development Charges and Planning Application Fees

Elected Officials Expense

Appendix A - Guiding Principles

Appendix B - Guidelines for Discretionary Expenses

​Guidelines for Reserves and Reserve Funds


Appendix A - Investment  Policy Procedures

​FIN.2-01Operating and Capital - with appendices included

​Professional Development Expenses

 FIN.4.01                   Reserve Funds Policy

 FIN.5.01                   Debt Management Policy 

 FIN. 6.01                  Asset Replacement Funds Policy 

 FIN.7.01                   Donations Policy 


If you should find any of the above are not in an acceptable accessible format, please contact the Town of Newmarket at 905-895-5193 or email [email protected]