Types of Bike Lanes


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395 Mulock Drive P.O. Box 328 Station Main, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 4X7

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Newmarket offers a variety of bike lanes for commuter and recreational riding.  Learn the different type of bike lanes below and stay safe while riding!

Advisory Bike Lanes

Advisory bike lanes are used on low traffic and narrow streets which cannot accommodate conventional bike lanes. This design has one center motorist lane and two bike lanes, one on each side of the street. If two vehicles are approaching each other, they can enter the advisory bike lane to safely pass each other.

What do I do if a cyclist is in the bike lane?

Whoever is in front has the right of way. The vehicle in the travelling lane with a cyclist must enter the bike lane and follow behind the cyclist to allow the approaching traffic to pass. Once the approaching traffic clears, you can re-enter the center lane and pass the cyclists, if needed.

Picture of advisory bike lanes on Park Avenue looking WestboundA picture of advisory bike lanes on Park Avenue looking Eastbound

Designated Bike Lanes

Designated bike lanes are installed on both sides of the street and intended for cyclists to travel with the flow of traffic. These lanes are dedicated to cyclists and separated from motorist lanes by pavement markings. In some cases, physical barriers are installed between bicycle and motorist lanes. Newmarket has installed flower planters and flexible bollards in some locations for additional protection to cyclists. Flexible bollards and planters are removed in winter months and installed in spring months to allow for snow plowing and street sweeping.
A picture of conventional bike lanes on Srigley Street looking westboundA picture of buffered bike lanes on Prospect street looking northbound

Green Route Markers (Sharrows)

Sharrows are used on a street to indicate a bike route and to remind users that the road is shared between motorists and cyclists. If the road is wide enough for cyclists to ride alongside motorists, sharrows are placed near the curb (bottom left photo) accompanied with 'Share the Road' signs. If the road is too narrow, the sharrows are placed in the center of the lane (bottom right photo) accompanied with 'Single File' signs.  Please visit Types of Bike Lane Signs and Symbols to learn more.
A picture of green route markers, or sharrows, on Timothy st looking eastbounda picture of sharrows on Srigley street looking westbound

Multi-Use Paths

Multi-use paths allow pedestrians and cyclists to safely use a path together.  These paths are intended to be treated like a 'miniature roadway'. Slower travelling users should stay on the right side of the path. This allows faster users to pass on the left side when the time is appropriate and safe.
A picture of a multi use path on eagle st west looking northbounda picture of a multi use path on eagle street west looking southbound

If you should find any of the above are not in an acceptable accessible format, please contact the Town of Newmarket at 905-895-5193 or email [email protected]