Below are frequently asked questions and answers regarding bike lanes. If you have questions that are not answered, please contact the Town
at 905-895-5193 or email [email protected]
What are the yellow poles in the road?
These are called flexible bollards. Flexible bollards are a safety feature which creates a physical barrier between cyclists and cars. They are removed prior to winter months and reinstalled in the spring. They are also used as a
speed mitigation tool around Newmarket.

Why is Newmarket installing bike lanes?
Investing in cycling infrastructure is important for ensuring that all road users have safe access to facilities for travelling. Bike lanes offer an alternative way to travel around Newmarket. Within York Region, Newmarket has the highest percentage of residents that commute to work by active transportation methods, according to the 2016 Census conducted by Stats Canada. New bike lanes also encourage and promote a healthy lifestyle for all Newmarket residents.
Are bike lanes maintained during winter months?
Some of the bike lanes in the Town of Newmarket are currently being maintained and cleared in the winter by our Public Works Services department. An implementation plan is currently underway to maintain the bike lanes all year-round.
Do bike lanes effect on-street parking?
Dedicated bike lanes protect both cyclists and motorists by creating a visual separation between cars and bikes, making it easier for both to share the road. As safety is a top priority, there are instances where there may be on-street parking restrictions on collector roads in order to accommodate bike lanes. Typically, local or more narrow roads which have insufficient space for dedicated bike lanes will be marked with a sign as bike routes and will not be impacted by parking restrictions. For more information on on-street parking and bike lanes, please call 905-895-5193.
Can I walk in the bike lanes?
No. Bike lanes are intended for bicycles, children's bicycles, power-assisted bicycles, motor-assisted bicycles and mopeds only. They are not intended for skateboards, scooters, pedestrians, rollerblades, dog walking etc.
Is the Town monitoring bike lane usage?
Yes. The Town of Newmarket is monitoring bike lane usage. The Town does this through multiple bicycle counters strategically installed to monitor the usage and trends of users. To view the bike lane usage numbers, please visit our webpage. Please view the usgage trends on our webpage
If you should find any of the above are not in an acceptable accessible format, please contact the Town of Newmarket at 905-895-5193 or email [email protected]