Spot the yellow fish
As a part of the Yellow Fish Road™ program, Town staff are painting yellow fish near storm drains in the downtown area to highlight catch basins that drain directly into the East Holland River.
What goes into storm drains flows untreated into local watercourses, groundwater and into Lake Simcoe and Lake Ontario, where we get our drinking water from.
About the program
Trout Unlimited Canada's Yellow Fish Road™ program reminds Canadians about their responsibility to reduce stormwater pollution, one of the largest sources of freshwater pollution. The goal is to help Canadian undertsand that storm drains are open doorways to our rivers, lakes and streams.
Pouring or flushing unwanted household hazardous wastes into storm drains can harm fish and wildlife, and reduce the quality of our drinking water. Common pollutants in our storm water include soap, cleaners, used motor oil and other automotive fluids, paint and solvents.
How you can help:
School groups and community organizations are able to take part in the Yellow Fish Road™ program by participating in a Yellow Fish Road™ activity. Togther with Trout Unlimited and the Lake Simcoe Region Conversation Authority, groups paint fish around storm drains and leave door hangers to inform the residents nearby why the fish have appeared in their neighbourhood.
To arrange your own activity, please contact our local partner organization, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority at 905-895-1281
For more information, please see an interview the Town of Newmarket recently did with Rogers TV or visit: