As part of
Newmarket's Private Tree Protection By-law property owners are required to obtain a permit for removing trees on their property that have a diameter greater than 20 centimeters (8 inches) measured at 1.4m above ground. Private trees removed, destroyed or injured without a permit will be subject to a fine, fees, and compensation. Mature trees are valuable assets to the community and need to be protected. The Town wants to work with the property owner(s) to explore alternatives, with tree removal being the last resort.
Purpose of the Private Tree Protection By-law
What's the purpose of the By-law?
The Private Tree Protection By-law will protect mature trees in Newmarket. Trees are a capital asset and provide many environmental benefits such as removing air pollution, providing shelter and food for animals, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, minimizing erosion and more. It is estimated that trees:
- Help avoid more than 200,000 cubic meters of water runoff each year
- Reduce residential energy costs by more than $3,000,000 per year
- Remove 40 tonnes of air pollution per year and store 35,345 tonnes of carbon
The Private Tree Protection By-law will provide extra protection to trees in Newmarket and work alongside the Town's other tree protection bylaws and policies.
The protection of trees is also in line with Council's Strategy Priority, Environmental Stewardship and Newmarket's commitment to protecting the environment. The By-law contributes to ensuring decisions on municipal planning, development and operations will be viewed through the lens of a climate crisis.
The By-law will also allow the Town to assess the need to remove a mature tree on private property prior to it being removed. Mature trees are valuable assets to the community and need to be protected.
Types of Private Tree Removals and what documents are required
Please review the information below that will help you gain a better understanding of what is required of you in order to remove specific type of trees in Newmarket. For more information, please review Town of Newmarket's Guide to Private Tree Protection document.
Regulated Trees on Private Property
Tree(s) that are equal to or greater than 20cm (1.4m) in diameter at breast height (DBH).
- ✔️Private Tree Removal Permit issued by the Town of Newmarket
- ✔️Arborist report by an ISA or MTCU Certified Arborist
- ✔️Fees and tree replacement requirements set out by the Town
Apply by: Completing a
Private Tree Protection Application and submitting it to
[email protected]
Dead or Dying Trees
Tree(s) that has no living tissue, or has 70% of its crown dead or is infected by a lethal pathogen.
Hazardous Trees
Tree(s) that have been structurally weakened to the point where there is a high risk for the tree to break or fall (entire tree or parts of the tree).
Emergency Trees
Trees that have become structurally weakened to the point where, there is a high risk for the tree to break or fall immediately. This situation often happens because of inclement weather, high winds or thunderstorms that normally occur 48 hours before the tree has been structurally weakened.
- 🚫No Private Tree Removal Permit Required
- 🚫No fees and no replacement tree requirements
- ✔️Applicant to notify the Town of Newmarket via email at [email protected]. The review is treated as an urgent matter for quick confirmation. No application form required.
- Please include the following in your email:
- Address
- Contact information
- Location of tree(s)
- Photos clearly showing the damage
For more information, please review the Town of Newmarket's Guide to Private Tree Protection. This guide can assist property owners with gaining a better understanding of the Private Tree Protection Bylaw and when property owners need to apply for a permit to remove a tree on your property.
Private Tree Removal Applications Fees and Charges (Collected by the Town)
Administration fee (based on the number of trees removed)
- $100 for 1 tree removed
- $300 for 2-4 trees removed
- $1,000 for 5-10 trees removed
- $5,000 for 11+ trees removed
2. Review fee: $103.10 per tree removed
3. Potentially compensation charges. Compensation can be in the form of replanting tree(s). If replanting is not possible or viable, applicants will be required to provide cash-in-lieu. The cash-in-lieu amounts are as follows:
- For non-construction removals: $300 per tree
- For construction related removals: $450 per 6cm tree not replanted
In some cases, a deposit could be required to protect other trees on the property (i.e. during construction)
For the most up to date fees and charges, please view the fees and charges webpage.
Reporting Illegal Tree Removal on Private Property
If you suspect a mature tree has been removed on Private Property without a permit, please contact the Town of Newmarket at
[email protected] or call 905-895-5193. An investigation will be conducted by the Town's Municipal Enforcement Officers.
Frequently Asked Questions

A Guide to Private Tree Protection
To learn more about how to protect trees in Newmarket, including requirements for specific tree removals, how to set-up tree protection zones and more, please review the Town of Newmarket's Guide to Private Tree Protection document.
This guide can assist property owners with gaining a better understanding of the Private Tree Protection Bylaw and when property owners need to apply for a permit to remove a tree on your property.
This guideline is meant to be a tool to present best practices and processes but does not replace the requirements outlined in the Private Tree Protection Bylaw. It is always recommended to have an ISA or MTCU certified Arborist to help with an assessment of your tree and to walk you through Newmarket’s private tree permitting process.