Email your correspondence and contact information to
[email protected] by the deadline included on the
agenda. Written correspondence received by the deadline will appear on the public meeting agenda. Written correspondence received after the deadline for Committee of the Whole will be included on the Council meeting agenda.

Make a live remote deputation by joining the virtual meeting using Zoom and verbally provide your comments over video. To select this option, you are strongly encouraged to pre-register by filling out this deputation form and emailing your request and contact information to
[email protected].

Make a live remote deputation by joining the virtual meeting using Zoom and verbally provide your comments over telephone. To select this option, you are strongly encouraged to pre-register by filling out this deputation form and emailing your request and contact information to
[email protected].

Make a live deputation in person in the Council Chambers at 395 Mulock Drive. To select this option, you are strongly encouraged to pre-register by filling out this deputation form and emailing your request and contact information to [email protected].
Due to the technical requirements of joining an electronic meeting of Council, remote deputants must meet the following requirements:
If you are representing a larger group, association, or organization, please submit group comments as one deputation.
Deputants must join the Zoom electronic meeting using a high-speed internet connection and device capable of video-conferencing, or through telephone.
Deputants wishing to use electronic materials such as PowerPoint presentations must provide electronic files 5 days in advance of the meeting.
Deputants will have 5 minutes to address Council.
The link to the Deputation Form can be found here.