Levels of Service - Core Assets


In Asset Management, levels of service (LOS) describe the outcomes customers experience through the services Town assets provide. Every day people use Town assets to travel safely, get clean drinking water, and many other services. Typically, customers are more focused on the services they receive (e.g. customer LOS), but behind the scenes the Town is making investments, delivering operations and maintenance, and weighing tradeoffs between cost and risk that ensure the customer receives this service (e.g. technical LOS).

This is an image of line of sight through levels of srvice. 

The LOS measures in each asset management plan have been compiled into tables, beginning with the corporate goal of the assets/service followed by customer and technical measures. For some measures, a preliminary observation about what direction the data is trending in has been made. Trend observations were not always possible with only two years of data, and not all LOS metrics would even have a trend attributable to Town performance or service outcomes.

It is important to know that LOS measures do not have endorsed targets. Trend observations are made on the basis of general best practice related to the sustainability of assets, services, and finances. Trend observations do not indicate how close or far away the Town's LOS is from any hypothetical LOS target.

To read the tables, please use the legend below illustrating how to read the trend information.


Trending up in the desired direction.
Trending up in the desired direction.
Trending down in an undesired direction.
Trending down in an undesired direction.
Trending down in the desired direction.
Trending down in the desired direction.Trending up in an undesired direction.
Trending up in the undesired direction.

Roads Levels of Service

Corporate Goal

Safe, well-maintained and managed transportation network for vehicles, cycling and pedestrians.

Customer Levels of Service

Measure2019 Performance2020 PerformanceImprovement Trend*
Average pavement condition index of local roads (# / 100)
71 / 100 PCI70 / 100 PCITrending down in an undesired direction.
Average pavement condition index of collector roads (# / 100)65 / 100 PCI65 / 100 PCITrend not applicable
Number of winter events plowed and salted (events per year)76 events50 eventsTrend not applicable
Average daily traffic on local roads (number of vehicles)675 vehicles per day675 vehicles per dayTrend not applicable
Average daily traffic on collector roads (number of vehicles)3,724 vehicles per day3,724 vehicles per dayTrend not applicable
Number of customer complaints (includes quality, snow removal, and service issues - excludes bike lanes, traffic, etc.)
1483 complaints1481 complaintsTrend not applicable

Technical Levels of Service

Measure2019 Performance2020 PerformanceImprovement Trend*
Capital Renewal Reinvestment Ratio (5 year rolling average)0.83% of replacement cost0.73% of replacement costTrending down in an undesired direction.
Kilometers of road patrols completed per year8,614 km inspected10,626 km inspectedTrending up in the desired direction.
Number of winter events cleared by snow plowing (events per year).19 events18 eventsTrend not applicable
Number of winter events cleared by salt application only (events per year).57 events32 eventsTrend not applicable
Kilometers of roads repaired by crack sealing per year.13.1 km of road repairs0 km of road repairsTrending down in an undesired direction.
Kilometers of roads rehabilitated by resurfacing per year.3.9 km of road repairs1.7 km of road repairsTrending down in an undesired direction.
Average utilized capacity on local roads (% / 1500 AADT)45% of traffic capacity45% of traffic capacityTrend not applicable
Average utilized capacity on collector roads (% / 6500 AADT)57% of traffic capacity57% of traffic capacityTrend not applicable
Percentage of local roads above planned capacity (% > 1500 AADT)9% of local roads9% of local roadsTrend not applicable
Percentage of collector roads above planned capacity (% > 6500 AADT)11% of collector roads11% of collector roadsTrend not applicable

Regulatory Levels of Service

Measure2019 Performance2020 PerformanceImprovement Trend*
Number of lane-kilometers of collector roads as a proportion of square kilometers of land area of the municipality.3.6 lane kilometers3.6 lane kilometersTrend not applicable
Number of lane-kilometers of local roads as a proportion of square kilometers of land area of the municipality.9.5 lane kilometers9.5 lane kilometersTrend not applicable
For paved roads in the municipality, the average pavement condition index value.69 / 100 PCI68 / 100 PCITrending down in an undesired direction.

Bridges Levels of Service

Corporate Goal

Safe reliable crossings that provide access for all mobilities.

Customer Levels of Service

Measure2019 Performance2020 PerformanceImprovement Trend*
Percentage of bridges in "Fair" or better condition ( / 100%).
100% of bridges100% of bridgesTrend not applicable
Average pavement condition of drivable bridges (PCI / 100).
63 / 100 PCI63 / 100 PCITrending down in an undesired direction.

Percentage of drivable bridges with cycling or pedestrian infrastructure.

81% of drivable bridges81% of drivable bridgesTrend not applicable
Average daily traffic on drivable bridges (number of vehicles).
3,353 vehicles per day3,353 vehicles per dayTrend not applicable
Number of customer complaints (bridge appearance, graffiti, etc.)
6 complaints9 complaintsTrend not applicable


Technical Levels of Service

Measure2019 Performance2020 PerformanceImprovement Trend*
Average bridge condition index value ( / 100, British Columbia method***).
64 / 100 BCI64 / 100 BCITrending down in an undesired direction.
Capital renewal reinvestment ratio (5-year rolling average).
0.81% of replacement cost0.90% of replacement costTrending up in the desired direction.
Percentage of bridges requiring minor and/or major repairs within 5 years (per OSIM).
15% of bridges21% of bridgesTrending up in the undesired direction.
Percentage of bridges inspected within last 2 years.
100%100%Trending up in the desired direction.
Average condition of primary structural loading components (/ 100%).
Fair - (62%)Fair - (62%)Trend not applicable
Average condition of secondary structural loading components (/ 100%).
Fair - (63%)Fair - (63%)Trend not applicable
Average condition of non-structural auxiliary components (/ 100%).
Fair - (63%)Fair - (63%)Trend not applicable
Average utilized traffic capacity of drivable bridges.79% of traffic capacity.79% of traffic capacity.Trend not applicable
Percent of drivable bridges with traffic above road class design.
28% of drivable bridges.28% of drivable bridges.Trend not applicable


Regulatory Levels of Service

Measure2019 Performance2020 PerformanceImprovement Trend*
Percentage of bridges in the municipality with loading or dimensional restrictions.1%1%Trend not applicable
For bridges in the municipality, the average bridge condition index value (OSIM method***), / 100.72 / 100 BCI72 / 100 BCITrend not applicable
For structural culverts in the municipality, the average bridge condition index value (OSIM method***), / 100.73 / 100 BCI73 / 100 BCITrend not applicable
***The Town maintains all regulatory requirements and practices related to Ontario Structural Inspection Manual Inspections and reporting, however a consultant review of Town conditions found that British Columbia's method of calculating BCI was a better indicator of state of good repair for the Town's assets.
Water Levels of Service

Corporate Goal

Provide accessible, safe, reliable drinking water for a reasonable price.

Customer Levels of Service

Measure2019 Performance2020 PerformanceImprovement Trend*
Average operating pressure of water service71 psi74 psiTrend not applicable
Number of services below operating pressure guidelines
( <40 psi )
51 services89 servicesTrend not applicable
Percentage of assets in Fair or better condition82%82%Trending down in an undesired direction.
Number of complaints related to the quantity and availability of water (excludes billing, service requests, etc).
678 complaints435 complaintsTrending down in the desired direction.
Annual MECP Inspection Rating
91.39%97.57%Trending up in the desired direction.


Technical Levels of Service

Measure2019 Performance2020 PerformanceImprovement Trend*
The number of AWQIs encountered as a percentage of the total number of samples collected2.6% of samples1.7% of samplesTrending down in the desired direction.
Capital renewal reinvestment ratio (5 year rolling average)0.35% of replacement cost0.32% of replacement costTrending down in an undesired direction.
Number of watermain breaks18 breaks12 breaksTrending down in the desired direction.


Regulatory Levels of Service

Measure2019 Performance2020 PerformanceImprovement Trend*
Percentage of properties connected to the municipal water system97% of properties97% of propertiesTrend not applicable
Percentage of properties where fire flow is available.99% of properties99% of propertiesTrend not applicable
The number of connection days per year where a boil water advisory notice is in place compared to the total number of properties connected to the municipal water system0 days0 daysTrend not applicable
The total number of available connection days per year due to water main breaks compared to the total number of properties connected to the municipal water system. 99.9992% available connection days.99.9998% available connection days.Trending up in the desired direction.

Wastewater Levels of Service

Corporate Goal

Provide accessible, available and reliable wastewater collection services that meet regulations at a reasonable cost.

Customer Levels of Service

Measure2019 Performance2020 PerformanceImprovement Trend*
Percentage of assets in "Fair" or better condition.82% of assets82% of assetsTrending down in an undesired direction.
Percentage of properties connected to the wastewater system.
97% of properties97% of propertiesTrend not applicable
Number of wastewater related customer complaints (includes back ups, service leaks, overflows – excludes billing, service requests, etc.)
33 complaints65 complaintsTrend not applicable


Technical Levels of Service

Measure2019 Performance2020 PerformanceImprovement Trend*
Percentage of sewers CCTV inspected per year.6.34% of sewers2.99% of sewersTrending down in an undesired direction.
Percentage of sewers flushed per year.
1.52% of sewers1.52% of sewersTrend not applicable
Percentage of sewer laterals flushed per year.0.44% of laterals0.47% of lateralsTrend not applicable
Capital reinvestment to replacement cost ratio.0.15% of replacement cost0.00% of replacement costTrending down in an undesired direction.
Number of sewer and lateral failures per year.7 sewer breaks7 sewer breaksTrend not applicable


Regulatory Levels of Service

Measure2019 Performance2020 PerformanceImprovement Trend*
Percentage of properties connected to the municipal wastewater system97% of properties97% of propertiesTrend not applicable
The number of events per year where flow in municipal wastewater system exceeds system capacity compared to the total number of properties connected to the municipal wastewater system0 events per year.0 events per year.Trend not applicable
The number of connection days per year due to backups compared to the total number of properties connected to the municipal wastewater system.0.00034% of available connection days0.00017% of available connection daysTrend not applicable
The number of effluent violations per year due to wastewater discharge compared to the total number of properties connected to the municipal wastewater system10

Stormwater Levels of Service

Corporate Goal

Protection of property from flooding at an appropriate cost.

Customer Levels of Service

Measure2019 Performance2020 PerformanceImprovement Trend*
Percentage of assets in Fair or better condition
97% of assets97% of assetsTrending down in an undesired direction.
Number of stormwater related complaints per year (includes sewer, catchbasin, and pond operations and performance – excludes billing, service requests, etc.)
78 complaints62 complaintsTrend not applicable
Percentage of properties resilient to 5-year and 100-year storms.
See regulatory LoS below (measures requested by O.Reg. 588/17)See regulatory LoS below (measures requested by O.Reg. 588/17)See regulatory LoS below (measures requested by O.Reg. 588/17)


Technical Levels of Service

Measure2019 Performance2020 PerformanceImprovement Trend*
Capital renewal reinvestment ratio (5 year rolling average)
0.08% of replacement cost0.07% of replacement costTrending down in an undesired direction.
Number of times streets were swept per yearTwice (2)Once (1)Trending down in an undesired direction.
Percentage of storm sewers inspected per year1%0%Trending down in an undesired direction.
Percentage of catchbasins cleaned per year33%31%Trend not applicable
Percentage of catchbasins repaired per year0.4%0.1%
Total number of wet ponds past due for rehabilitation9 of 34 wet ponds (27%)9 of 34 wet ponds (27%)Trending up in the undesired direction.


Regulatory Levels of Service

Measure2019 Performance2020 PerformanceImprovement Trend*
Percentage of properties in municipality resilient to a 100-year storm.
98.8%98.8%Trend not applicable
Percentage of the municipal stormwater management system resilient to a 5-year storm.100%100%Trend not applicable

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Levels of Service - Core Assets
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