Backflow Prevention By-law


Municipal Office

395 Mulock Drive P.O. Box 328 Station Main, Newmarket, Ontario
L3Y 4X7

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​Newmarket water customers should have the greatest confidence that all steps are being taken to ensure that our drinking water supply continues to be clean and safe. 

The Town is legally responsible under the Safe Drinking Water Act, Section 19, Standard of Care to do its due diligence. Installation of backflow preventers is required under Section 7 of the Ontario Building Code and the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks expects the Town to implement a backflow prevention program. This is considered to be a necessary industry best practice. 

The new backflow prevention program will help the Town to protect human health and drinking water quality, manage risks, maintain system security and achieve regulatory compliance. The program will involve a new By-Law and standard operating procedures that also require certain members of the community to take action.  

Types of Properties Image

Industrial, Commercial and Institutional and multi residential property owners will be required to:

  • Conduct a cross connection survey of the water systems to assess risk of contamination and submit the results  to [email protected].
  • Install backflow prevention devices at each property.
  • Submit backflow prevention device tests to BSI Online annually.
  • For more information regarding BSI Online please contact  [email protected]

Residential property owners won't be impacted by this new by-law because of limited cross connections and lower risks. However, any property may be subject to the by-law if it poses a high contamination risk.


Learn more

Link to: How does the water system work?