Restricted Area for Driving Instructors and Driving Schools

​Restricted Area By-law

On June 6, 2017, Newmarket Council passed By-law 2017-32, a By-law to Prohibit Driving Instructors and Schools from operating within a designated Restricted Area. This area encompasses the exam routes used by the DriveTest Centre located at 320 Harry Walker Parkway South. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is not permitted within the "Restricted Area"?

  • Driving schools/instructors operating in the area for the purpose of giving driving instruction to students 
  • Driving schools/instructors operating in the area for the purpose of practising for driving tests

What is allowed within the "Restricted Area"?

  • DriveTest Centre testing conducted in a driving school/driving instructor vehicle. This includes Newmarket driving schools as well as schools from other municipalities
  • DriveTest  Centre testing conducted in private vehicles
  • Driving school/instructor vehicles picking up or dropping off a student at their residence or school
  • Parents teaching their children to drive
  • Friends or family teaching individuals to drive
  • Drivers practising without a driving school instructor
  • Driving instruction is permitted on the major roads bordering the restricted area. This includes : Gorham Street, Prospect Street, Bayview Parkway, Traviss Drive, Leslie Valley Drive and Leslie Street, as well as on Davis Drive.

Why has the Town of Newmarket implemented a "Restricted Area By-law?

The Town of Newmarket has implemented a Restricted Area By-law with the intent to mitigate the increase in traffic on residential streets near the Newmarket DriveTest Centre located on Harry Walker Parkway.  Many of the streets in the area surrounding the DriveTest Centre are used as part of the designated driving test routes. For this reason, the Town of Newmarket passed a Restricted Area By-law encompassing the streets within the borders of: Gorham Street, Prospect Street, Bayview Parkway, Traviss Drive, Leslie Valley Drive and Leslie Street.  

How was the "Restricted Area" determined?

A proposed restricted area was provided by the Newmarket DriveTest Centre. Staff utilized this area for the Restricted Area By-law as it encompasses all of the various DriveTest Centre exam routes.   

Is the Town of Newmarket licensing driving instructors?

No, the Town of Newmarket is not licensing driving instructors at this time. Driving instructors, schools and vehicles are already licensed by the Province from the Ministry of Transportation.

Are driving school/instructor vehicles permitted in the Restricted Area?

Driving school/instructor vehicles being used for driving instruction, lessons or practice testing are NOT permitted in the Restricted Area.  However, driving school/instructor vehicles ARE permitted in the Restricted for the following purposes:

  1. Picking up or dropping of a student that resides or attends school in the Restricted Area
  2. When a student is using the driving school/instructor vehicle for their driving test
  3. When the driving school vehicle is travelling on major roads bordering the Restricted Area (Gorham Street, Prospect Street, Bayview Parkway, Traviss Drive, Leslie Valley Drive and Leslie Street). This also applies to Davis Drive, as this is a major road with steady traffic used for travelling purposes to various areas within the Town.

How will the Town of Newmarket enforce this by-law?

The Town of Newmarket will be educating residents and local driving school businesses regarding the new By-law. Information will be posted on the Town's social media account. Brochures will also be distributed at the Newmarket DriveTest Centre location and mailed to driving school businesses in York Region, advising them of the Restricted Area By-law.  

The Town of Newmarket will conduct periodic enforcement blitzes in the Restricted Area, and will monitor and record complaints received regarding driving school/instructor vehicles operating in the area.

What should I do if I see a driving instructor or driving school vehicle in the Restricted Area?

Please remember that there are various scenarios where driving school vehicles and instructors are permitted in the Restricted Area.  However, if you wish to report a driving instructor providing lessons/practice testing in the Restricted Area; please call the Town of Newmarket's Customer Service department at 905-895-5193 to report the incident.  If you have questions relating to the DriveTest Centre routes and/or testing please contact the DriveTest Centre by calling 1-800-489-8450.​

Contact Information

DriveTest Centre

For questions regarding the DriveTest Centre exams, road test routes, frequency of tests, or other information please contact the DriveTest Centre at 1-800-489-8450 or  visit

Ministry of Transportation

For information regarding provincial licensing and certification of driving instructors, vehicles and driving school businesses please visit the Ministry of Transportation website at  You can contact the Ministry regarding driver and vehicle licensing by calling 1-800-387-3445.

Town of Newmarket

The Town of Newmarket is working with local driving schools to ensure they are aware of the Restricted Area and operating within the Town's by-laws. Residents can report driving school vehicles and instructors providing instruction in the Restricted Area to the Town of Newmarket's  Customer Service department by calling 905-895-5193 or email [email protected]. Please provide, if possible, the vehicle licence plate number, driving school name, and vehicle description.

Timeline of Events and Additional Information