Newmarket is poised for growth. The majority of this growth will occur through the redevelopment of the Davis Drive and Yonge Street corridors. These corridors, along with the Yonge and Davis Provincial Urban Growth Centre and the Regional Healthcare Centre are transitioning from lower density, auto-oriented uses to a vibrant mixed-use, pedestrian inclusive community of 33,000 residents and 32,000 jobs.
Newmarket's Urban Centres Secondary Plan has been prepared to guide this redevelopment. This plan permits a wide range of residential, commercial and community use in mixed-use manner, throughout the Plan area. A variety of heights and densities have been identified to accommodate these uses.
The main objective of Newmarket's Urban Centre's Secondary Plan is to provide a framework to guide the redevelopment and intensification of the Yonge Street & Davis Drive Urban Centres. Various other policies have been created and/or updated to further support this vision:
Urban Centres Secondary Plan Technical Amendment - The Town has adopted OPA 25, a technical amendment to the Urban Centres Secondary Plan. The purpose of OPA 25 is to clarify the original intent of the policies, implement recommendations of recently approved planning documents, and resolve inconsistencies between policies and schedules. The effect of the Official Plan Amendment is to have updated land use policies and schedules that align with Provincial, Regional and Town approved planning documents. OPA 25 is pending Regional approval.
Zoned-in Land Uses, Heights & Densities - The Town has approved the Urban Centres Zoning By-law. This is a separate zoning by-law specifically for the Urban Centres, which implements the Urban Centres Secondary Plan’s land uses, heights, densities and urban design policies at the zoning level. Of specific importance, this document ‘zones in’ greater heights and densities as a means to add value to these properties within the Urban Centres and encourage their redevelopment.
Development Charge Deferral - The Town has updated its Development Charge Deferral Policy. This policy sets out two options for deferring the Town's development charges: a Standard Approach (36 months), and an Enhanced Approach (48 months). The policy describes criteria and process for each of these approaches.
Prioritized Servicing - The Town has updated its Servicing Allocation Policy, which prioritizes development proposals located within the Urban Centres.
Competitive Parkland Requirements - The Town has enacted a Parkland Dedication Bylaw which reflects current best practices regarding parkland ratios, and allows a range of urban parkland typologies / cash-in-lieu options. This By-law is focused on incentivizing redevelopment within the Urban Centres. More information on the Parkland Dedication By-law is are available here.
Reduced Parking Requirements - The Town's parking requirements in the Urban Centres have been updated to reduce the number of required spaces for new developments within the Urban Centres. This will encourage the redevelopment of these areas by reducing hard costs, as well as supporting public transit ridership and reducing congestion. New parking requirements include minimum and maximum ranges, account for number of bedrooms, and are anticipated to accommodate a greater number of developments. The new parking standards are included in the amending Zoning By-law, available here.
Redevelopment and Rehabilitation Tax Incentive Program (a tax-increment-equivalent financing program (TIEF)
Development Charges Rebate/Credit Program
Planning and Building Fees Rebate/Credit Program
Parking Requirement Program
Parkland Dedication Exemption Program

The Town is currently developing other policies to encourage redevelopment and intensification within the corridors. Please contact the Town of Newmarket's Planning Department at 905-895-5193 or email [email protected] for more information.To learn more about
Economic Development at the Town of Newmarket, please view our
Economic Development website.