The Vision
Newmarket's Urban Centres Secondary Plan is centered on the "Newmarket Centre" Provincial Urban Growth Centre, located around the intersection of Yonge Street and Davis Drive. Being one of only four Urban Growth Centres in York Region, this area is planned to accommodate a significant amount of future growth.
The Urban Growth Centre, along with the Southlake Regional Health Centre, the Davis Drive Regional Corridor and the Yonge Street Regional Corridor are forecasted to be built into a vibrant urban community of 33,000 residents and 32,000 jobs. In total, the Urban Centres Secondary Plan comprises approximately 290 ha (716 acres) of land, 130 ha (321 acres) of which are prime for re-development.
The Urban Centres Secondary Plan is the leading planning document that regulates this growth. The Urban Centres Secondary Plan directs how and where development will occur, encouraging a broad mix of uses throughout intensified building forms in a manner that facilitates public transit usage. The Urban Centres Secondary Plan contains development policies that will ensure that this growth occurs in an integrated, sustainable, complete manner, which creates a vibrant community consisting of a diverse mix of residential, commercial, employment and institutional uses.
The Urban Centres Secondary Plan permits a wide mix of uses, and specifies additional permitted uses in six defined Character Areas.

Latest Development News for the Urban Centres
- Davis Drive vivaNext Rapidway officially opened on November 27, 2015; progress now being made on Yonge Street Rapidway.
- Construction of York Region's Administrative Centre Annex building on Yonge Street is underway.
- Topping-off of the high-rise at 212 Davis Drive, September 2016.
- Residential applications in progress; as of fall 2017 over 1000 new units proposed.
- Numerous other large-scale residential, institutional and commercial developments are either in the planning process or under construction.
Urban Centres Secondary Plan Status
The Secondary Plan was:
- Adopted by the Council for the Corporation of the Town of Newmarket: June 23, 2014
- Modified and approved by the Council for the Corporation of the Region of York: March 26, 2015
- Office Consolidation prepared: November 25, 2015 (superseded)
- Office Consolidation prepared: October 25, 2016
For more information, please contact the [email protected] for more information.